Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Crazy day today

So, today starts out like any other day. Get up, sit Kaelyn on the potty chair, RUN to the kitchen to put our toast in the toaster and RUN back into the potty for 15 minutes of smelling her "stinky feets" and pointing out her eyes, ears, nose, hair, belly, and previously mentioned STINKY feet. After we take care of "business", we sit down to a breakfast of toast and fruit for Kaelyn, and Cereal and toast for me. We get dressed, play on the floor, potty one more time and get some quality Skype time with my mom. We then get ready to head out to my friend friends house. I KNOW i need to get gas, but I have, according to my gas gauge, between a quarter tank and an empty tank. (1/8th of a tank i guess? I am HORRIBLE at math and even worse at fractions). But as i'm turning the corner to the gas station, my truck chugs and then DIES! So I coast into the gas station assuming that my gas gauge was broken. But that wasn't the REAL problem. I managed to coast to the pumps but I was on the WRONG SIDE! My trucks gas tank is on the DRIVERS SIDE. I managed to pull up with the pump on the passenger side. DOH! So it was so awesome of our family friend, D, to come to the rescue. We managed to maneuver the truck to the proper side of the gas pump and put in 15 bucks in the hopes that it was the problem. but nope. Now my truck WANTS to turn over, but never kicks all the way over. So we call "the car guy" Jake to come and take a look. As it turned out, my truck died less than 5 blocks from the auto shop. He comes, pops the hood, tinkers around, we try to start it with NO SUCCESS.
All the while this is happening, Kaelyn is being a TRUE champ. She had a picnic lunch on my front seat (that is now parked at the auto shop covered in noodles and parmesan cheese) and had a ball pretending to drive.

In the end, we ended up calling Jake's friend to come tow us to the shop. He thought it might be a spark plug or some such easy fix. We left my rusty trusty truck in the capable hands of Jake and the staff at our favorite place to throw money. I swear, we are making them LOTS of money the past 3 or 4 years. lol

We piled the diaper bag and the car seat and the rest of the stuff we would need into our friends jeep and headed to walmart to meet my friend J (D's wife) to print off some pics for our FIRST PAYING CUSTOMER of our hobby business of taking photographs. We were very pleased and hope she and her husband will be too!

We drove around and looked at a few cars and came home to debate dinner. In the end, Jeremy came home and the boys decided that they wanted pizza and us girls (Kaelyn, J, her daughter Little A, and I) were going to load up and go to Perkins for the Kids Eat Free deal. Man oh man, did they get their fill! Kaelyn had a grilled cheese and steamed broccoli and 2 bites of my pancakes AND a sippy of milk and half a sippy of water. Holy Smokes! She got her $4.99 meal for free and it was WELL WORTH IT. usually I just order a little extra and she can share my meal. Both of the girls ate great but the ride home was a little hairy due to the late time and the LONG day. But all in all, it was a decent day, a few stressful snags along the way, but thanks to great friends and an always happy Kaelyn along for the ride, things were half as bad as it could have been. So, since I know J reads this, THANKS SO MUCH!!! You and D (and Little A and her cuteness) are awesome friends and I owe D a sick pack of IPA! Thanks so much for being the awesome friends you are!

Thanks for reading everybody!

Lara and Kaelyn

Friday, October 7, 2011

Walking toy

Kaelyn is REALLY getting close to walking. she is taking 2 or 3 steps at a time and NOW.... She loves to use her walking toy to cruise around the living room! Up until today, she loved to play with it and all of the noisey parts, but she decided to get it in her head to walk with it! Enjoy the video!

Later taters
Lara and Kaelyn