Thursday, November 10, 2011

it's been a long time coming

Holy Smokes!! It's been a long 19 months, and a long 9 months of birth-to-3 coming and helping Kaelyn with her walking/crawling, but the proof is in the pudding! 4 days ago, someone got it in her pretty little head to pull herself up on the foot stool and take off across the living room! We have a walker!

We are so super proud of her and she is SOOOO proud of herself!! Smiling and waving and clapping.

She is getting more sure footed by the day. I'd say that she is walking 60% of the time and crawling 40% of the time. If she REALLY wants something, she crawls to get it, but mostly I think that walking is new and a novelty and she hasn't really put 2 and 2 together that it's a quick way and the ONLY way to get around. She's getting better and better every day!

Birth-to-3 was here 3 days before hand and go figure it just took that last little push from those wonderful ladies to put that last piece of the puzzle together. She always does it that way. Her crawling, her using her push toy. She did those all less than a week after their visits!

Thanks for your support and Thanks for reading!!

All our love

Lara and Kaelyn

Friday, November 4, 2011

crazy day, crazy week.

So, I just realized that I FAILED to update on my truck breaking down. It was the distributor. Yep. easy peasy fix. Ended back up in the shop because the yahoo new guy at the shop didn't tune up something and it kept stalling. Stop lights, stop signs, you name it. POOF! The truck would die and then roar back to life when I would turn over the ignition. (I guess we were wrong in the assumption that a new part meant it would ALSO be tuned up. But they fixed it up, no problemo.) But anyways, we got it all tuned up and she has now found a new home. As of about 5 minutes ago, she left drip stains on the driveway for the LAST time. We replaced her (and upgraded) with a 2006 pontiac torrent. Bright blue that looks a little purple when the sun/shadows play just right. But don't tell Jeremy. He doesn't like the fact that the Torrent "might" be purple-ish. hahaha. Momma, on the other hand, LOVES it.

Kaelyn had birth to 3 yesterday and they are pretty pleased with her progress. She's taking 3 or 4 steps on her own as of when they were here. But after they left and J and Little A came over, we got her to take 5 or 6 steps all on her own. She was SO PROUD of herself! We had a great play date with them, ordered some pasta from PizzaHut and then ended the night with the husbands coming back with a couch and l oveseat from J's parents. The boys went and took Eunice on her last ride to go pick them up. It's been a crazy few weeks since my last update. Life with a toddler on the brink of full mobility is NUTS! We've been doing great with using the potty, great with walking. The sleep, lately, could use a little work, (last night SUCKED) but other than that, She's an amazing little girl.
I don't often make personal requests, but my Aunt B recently underwent surgery and has been diagnosed with cancer. She will start treatment soon and our family could use any thoughts and positive energy you could throw our way.

Much love and Have a great day,
Lara and Kaelyn