Tonight, Jer had his work Christmas party and Kaelyn got to go over to Auntie J's house and play with Little A and Uncle D. It was a pleasant evening out, even if the food was unhealthy and my stomach didn't cooperate for the later portion of the evening, but we got a pretty cool gift, (snacks, a thermos, a nice hat and 10 bucks) and then Jeremy also won a 50 dollar best buy gift card. Wonder if i can talk him into getting us a printer, FINALLY. I'd love it. lol. Sure beats going to the library to print stuff off or asking Jeremy to print it off at work.
ON a different note, today my dog tried to kill me. hee hee. I saw Kaelyn trying to pull the xbox off of the tv stand so i hollered "no no no kaelyn" and went to hop over our baby gate system, and so did Odin, but he stopped and tripped me, i took down the gate and am now sore and bruised up and banged up. I hurt. All Over.
Time for a tylenol and to hit the hay.
I'll try to post more regularly in the future.
All our love,
Kaelyn and her banged up (and feeling her age) mommy.