So its been a long while, AGAIN, since I last updated. Summer has kept us busy. Even if its just a day spent goofing around, playing tag and trips to the library, we are having a good summer! We've gone to a small local zoo to see the animals. Highlight of the trip? The SNOWY OWL!! They've been pretty into watching the netflix show "Puffin Rock" and a snowy owl is as close as we are going to get to seeing an Arctic Puffin. (The BIG zoo has a tufted puffin, but after showing the girls the pictures, they decided it is NOT the right kind of puffin. SOooo, the search continues.) We LOVED the animals, and especially the HYENAS. Aria even asked me, "Mom, why isn't the hyena in the outlands? Is the Lion Guard doing a bad job?" Ha ha ha! Out of the mouths of babes!
We've had a pretty good struggle getting Kaelyn to understand that she is NOT going to have her same teachers next year. She is getting mainstreamed into the school for our neighborhood and not the 4k school. So she wont have Mrs Wendy or Ms. Billie. She LOVES those ladies and constantly says "I need to see my Wendy" or "Billie would be proud for me!" She even mentions her pt/ot and speech ladies! But we've gone to her new school, been to the playground and played several times and we've done the "meet the teachers night". I'm sure she'll adapt well. It's just a matter of "getting over" the old teachers who loved her so well and taught her so much!! We've gotten a storm trooper backpack (needs to have a bow added to girly it up, but we've got time for that) and we've gotten our list so we are ready to start REAL shopping! The last 2 years was an early childhood special education program for kids with other needs than a typical 4k can provide. It was state and locally funded so we just needed a backpack and a notebook! This allowed me to have extra funds for a teacher present for the ladies she loves so much, but now comes the hard part. SUPPLIES!
In other news, Kaelyn had a HUGE milestone...... SHE LOST HER FIRST TOOTH!! It was just sitting there and it NEEDED to come out so her daddy just kind of flipped it out! There was a little blood, but she was so excited that she had to call one of her grandmas on skype, RIGHT AWAY! And luckily Grandma Sandy answered and was so excited for her and proud that she let her daddy help her get it out. But this momma was NOT prepared so i had to make a late night run to walmart for a few small things for a special "first tooth" gift from the tooth fairy. And the tooth fairy also told her that there would only be money treats from now on. (left the note on the bag.)
It seems like just yesterday my OB was scolding me for sending my husband to work if I thought I might be in labor. Like it was just yesterday that we brought her home, introduced her to Odin, genetics testing, birth to 3, first steps, first words, first days of school! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! I'm feeling a little emotional that there are so many things making her seem so much bigger than I think she really is. Bigger than I am ready for her to be! I know that she HAS to grow up. But darn it, IT SUCKS!
Well, this momma better be off to bed. I'm sure the girls will be up at the crack of dawn begging for their peanut butter toast and to watch "Home" again. (BUSTA LIME!!!) We are hoping for a break in the high 90's heat wave going on. Not even the rain that we got TWICE today could cut the heat. It just made it more humid.
As always, thank you so much for reading. For being a part of our Journey. Its not one we asked for, but we are making the most of this crazy ride! And thanks to all of you who I have met because of this little ol' blog. (I am glad each and every one of you has reached out! I'm glad I have you moms/dads to reach out to if needed!)
All of our love and many happy days to you!