So, it's time for another update! Back to school season is just the ticket for a new blog post. Kaelyn is now a full fledged, card carrying member of the kindergarten crowd!
She has a teacher she likes, she's made a friend, enjoys breakfast at school ( today it was cheerios, applesauce and chocolate milk. the other day it was fruit, milk and cheerios. I think they let her pick and she just happens to love cheerios) and she is doing okay with the hot lunch process. I will admit I was worried about how I would help her remember or wear her lunch p.i.n. but all kindergartners have a lanyard with their 5 digit number on it and she hasn't expressed any upset over the routing, so I call it a win. I've now gotten her to school and dropped off on time both days and picked up on time.
I will admit I was nervous as I am NOT a morning person. Never have been. I am a night owl. I love the quiet of the night and all of the little things that I can get done while everybody else is sleeping. But if I indulge my inner night owl, the mornings are hard and I am crabby.
On a brighter note, little Aria started preschool at our church today. She thoroughly enjoyed it and even cried a little at the thought of having to *gasp* go home!! But Mrs. B promised painting and the possibility of the playground So, along with a bribe of caribou, we are all good. She is anxiously waiting her next day and being able to see all of her "new friends". We were tremendously blessed to be able to send her to our churches preschool. Kaelyn went there at 3 years old and while her confidence and speech didn't set her up for great social activities, I was able to witness moments of sweetness from many of her classmates and she enjoyed herself immensely. She just happened to be a wallflower and people watcher. Aria is another story altogether. She is a social butterfly, a chatty, bubbly, curly haired ball of energy. My two little girls are so different but alike in so many ways. I can't wait to see how each of them benefits (in their own way) from 3k!
Anyhow, Thanks for reading my little ol' blog and following our crazy journey. We love you to pieces and thank you for any and all kind words. They mean the world to us! Have a great day!
Lara and the Fam.
(and shout out to Auntie L for the kind comment on the last blog! WE LOVE YOU!)