Wednesday, July 31, 2013

midnight rambling

I sit here at midnight, Kaelyn's been asleep since before I got home and Aria just went down after a quality snuggle/nurse session. I realize the girls are growing so fast! There will come a time when Aria wont be sleeping in a crib. Heck, she's already outgrown the bassinet sized crib in our room and migrated her way into the "big girl room"! There will come a day when she wont need to nurse and snuggle up before snoozing the night away. I wont get to see her milk-drunk smiles first thing in the morning. It makes me sad, but at the same time, both girls are learning and growing and its so much fun to see how they develop into their own amazing little people. Aria is more and more mobile every day and is beginning to show a little temper and independence too! And Kaelyn? She is an amazing and caring little girl. Just last week us girls were all cuddled up for a pre-lunch nap since I was fighting off a migraine and i wake up to the foot rest pulled up and a blanket pulled up over us. Kaelyn figured out that she could pull up the foot rest by pulling up on it and she didn't need to have the strength to use the arm-lever. She is always doing things to be kind and sweet. Coming up and giving a quick hug or rubbing your back. She'll catch me on a bad day and tell me "Momma's pretty." Or telling me my hair is soft. or yelling out "Love you Momma!" as I leave for work. Or the fact that no matter how sleepy she is, when I come in to lay Aria in her crib, she makes a smooch sound and waits for a goodnight kiss. So, as much as I am so sad that they are growing up, that one day they wont fit into my lap for a story or a hug, I am so happy to watch them learn and grow and I can't wait to see what they become! I can't wait to see the friends they surround themselves with, all of the ways they will grow and learn and further develop their personalities and quirks, likes and dislikes. Most of all, I can't wait till they wake up tomorrow for another day of cuddles and smooches and fun times and "hold still" from yo gabba gabba.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, and thanks for letting me share my family with you. For hearing my struggles and triumphs and bearing witness to them all. All our love, Mommy and the Girls.

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