Monday, November 3, 2014

Major slacker updating here

Oy. to think that my last post said "I wonder what i'll do with all of my free time?" Clearly from the lack of posts, i've kept plenty busy. Papa D commented on my LAST post so it was a bit of a kick in the pants to do another one. Almost like I was put on notice. SO thanks dad!
Cold and flu season has started at our house. We've all been turned into booger monsters and we are deeply contemplating an investment in the Kleenex corporation. DANG! We've gone through a lot of kleenex and lysol. We are all on the mend and happy to report that our consumption of snot rags has decreased.  While we had our miserable colds, we had a plumbing incident where apparently the previous owners flushed some sort of shop rag and it blocked our main pipe out of the house. We had to call a plumber with a snake (which was HUGE) and rent a carpet cleaner to hopefully suck all of the water out of our carpet. For a good week our house smelled wet and musty but the carpet/pads seem to be drying. It was just a rough couple of days, that is for certain.

Kaelyn is still doing well in school. Only 2 or 3 accidents in a whole month and usually just off of the bus. She knows all the names of her classmates and enjoys the themed weeks they've had. One was "Mary wore her red dress" (click it. )its the cutest song the first 300 times you listen to it. And the fun part is that Kaelyn is starting to show a lot of interest in singing along to music. Her current favorites are "All about that Bass" (radio version to edit out the cuss words) and we also like Fancy by Iggy Azalea and Shake it off by Taylor Swift. She knows certain parts from those songs and sure sings them loud. Kaelyn also enjoyed the Pete the Cat Unit where it was based around "I love my red Shoes".

They recently had Fire Safety day at school and did Firetruck art and saw a firetruck! She was so proud of herself to show me the art they made and said "Like Tammy!" (Papa Dustin, when you read this, be sure to tell the Mrs!)

This last week has been super busy. We had company come up on Tuesday night. My mom, sister Chelsea, and nephew X came up to visit for a mini-vacation before Aria's 2nd birthday party this last saturday.  The cousins enjoyed so much time together, playing and cuddling and watching movie. And it was very nice and so appreciated to have my mom and sister here to help with the pre-party cleaning and food prep. We got to go trick or treating together and Kaelyn was Doc McStuffins, Aria and X were matching monsters. It was very cute. I'll have to pull the pictures off of my camera and add them into my next post. The kids did well in the chilly weather and X walked most of the way. Such a little bundle of energy he is.  Saturday was little sister Aria's 2nd birthday party. Someone must have mentioned how much we like art because man oh man did she get art stuff! We are all set for a long and blustery winter indoors. We even broke out the paint dab markers and did some letter art because the girls wanted to do art and it was the first thing they grabbed. We have squeezie paint brushes, the dot art markers, regular markers, crayons, color books, paper, homemade scented glittery play doh (thanks Auntie Jen! We can't wait to bust that stuff out very soon), play doh fun factory (so you can squish allof those FUN shapes. Aria also got clothes, a new jacket, stuffed animals (webkins). But I think the hit of the weekend was her very own Grandma Nancy blanket. Kaelyn sleeps with the one we got at our baby shower and is unwilling to share her "Nancy blanket" so GG Nancy sent my mother in law to the party with a blanket for Aria and she sleeps in her own bed now (as opposed to climbing into Kaelyn's bed) and we are all much happier for that.

Yesterday was just a day to tidy up a bit. My mom, Chelsea, and X left yesterday and my girls were so sad! But Kaelyn cuddled up with her daddy while i took the birthday girl to urgent care thinking she had an ear infection. Nope! Turns out she's just full of wax that needed help to get itself out. So now we are going to do some mineral oil drops as suggested by urgent care and hope that she doesn't have issues like I did when I was little.

Well, Here are a few pictures to tide you over until i can get a hold of the Halloween pictures.

Thanks for reading and come back soon!
Lara, Kaelyn, and Aria (and daddy too!)

Friday, September 12, 2014

first week of SCHOOL!

Goodness me. Nobody ever warns you about how hard it is to put your baby on a bus and watch it drive away. But we did it! We survived! Kaelyn did great and made a friend on the bus who turned out to be a classmate! YAY!
Here is a few pictures from her first week of school.
 She wasn't really into the thought of going to school. 
at least until she made a new friend! That turned her whole experience around!

 Reading her book and waiting for the bus. A new favorite. "Round is a mooncake". Definitely on our list of fun book!

We had an accident right off of the bus on Wednesday but yesterday was good and she has come home with a few new phrases and uses the names of TWO of her class mates! *not going to use their names w/o parental permission. but rest assured, it is SUPER cute!*

So now I am at home on a cold rainy day, Aria is napping, Kaelyn is at school, and I'm running out of stuff to clean! I organized my bathroom closet, I'm getting caught up on laundry, I've mopped my kitchen TWICE this week. Heck, if I wasn't catching up on laundry, I wouldn't have so many clean towels to put away. I'm terribly afraid to see what happens the next 3 days that there was no school! 

On the flip side, I am missing my girl and being alone is NOT so fun. If I keep up on my cleaning I will need to take up some sort of hobby. Aria naps the whole time! Without the kids messing up the house behind me, I get stuff done! Maybe I will even blog a little more reguarly! Or with a little peace and quiet I could podcast a time or two! Who knows!

I made the mistake of keeping Aria up to see Kaelyn off to school the other day... NO BUENO. She cried "MY KAELYN" right up until she fell asleep. After that I made sure to wake her up so that she could see that her sister was INDEED going to return home on the yellow school bus. 

To sum up the week, school is going great! Kaelyn made a friend or two, she likes her teacher, and riding the bus was not the terrible event I feared it would be! I give a gold star to all of us! 

If I may ask a favor, and i dont do it often, My nephew was born early a little over 2 years ago and gets sick pretty easy. They think it may be an auto immune issue. If you could say an extra prayer for him that his numbers go up to where they need to be that would be awesome. All of these doctors visits are hard on any parent but especially so for a single momma. Little man loves his cousins and my girls love him just as much in return and we hope for a happy and healthy winter. If enough of us bend the ear of the man upstairs, who's to say it won't happen?

Until next time!

Lara, Kaelyn, and the rest of the nutty bunch!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Preschool? wow.

Hey there guys! Look at this? two posts in less than two weeks!

We are creeping up on the start of the school year and looking back at the picture I took before 3k? Kaelyn looks so grown up! She's grown by leaps and bounds, despite still being behind her peers, but that doesn't make any of her achievements any less precious or monumental. She jumps, she is no longer terrified of playground slides (although the tunnel slides still bother her at first, she still gives them a good go!), her speech is improving, her pretend play is improved a hundred fold. She now names dollies and stuffed animals. Aria's cabbage patch dolly is named "Mary" and since daddy tried to name HERS "Gertrude" she now just calls her "Trude" yeah. great huh? :D And today she named her stuffed puppy from her "bonus grandma" Wendy, "Rudy". I'm sure its because of her new found love of Doc McStuffins.(and Sherrif Callie, although she calls her "sherrrf Callie" its still stinkin adorable).

Aria on the other hand. What a little pistol! Unlike her sister, she has NO FEAR. And her speech is also growing  and improving. I think her and Kaelyn are helping eachother with their vocabulary and expressive speech. She's starting to want to dance to music, learning to clean up after herself and is more affectionate every day! Just seeing how these 2 are is amazing! It's very touching to see that they are so connected and bonded to each other. When one is sad the other rushes to hug her close and give a smooch. It really warms my heart. Lately she has been crawling out of her toddler bed at naptime to fall back asleep in sissy "kaynin's" bed. Seems like we just put her in that bed and already she is trying to rush this whole "growing up" business and get her own twin bed? I call shenanigans. This momma simply isn't ready!!

In one week my dear friend will marry the love of her life and we are SO EXCITED!! "Auntie Ronda" and "Uncle Bob" are getting married at a local vineyard and it is going to be beautiful. I only have ONE flower girl for this wedding so hopefully it will be a little easier than trying to wrangle both girls and keep them happy and clean. After that, my awesome in-laws are coming up for a visit and our annual trip to the Zoo! I can't wait! We've been counting down the sleeps they have until gramma and grampa get here and I think the girls are impatient because they "call" them and think that every car down the street is their papa and gramma. It's adorable!

I've been so blessed. Between 2 amazing little girls who are growing so much, an amazing husband who is a great father and partner in this journey. And then there are the other momma's I have met who also have children with Partial Trisomy 21. Our little facebook group, along with the Unique group are a great resource for a momma like me. We all have children with rare chromosome disorder diagnosis' and even if the duplication/deletion isn't the same, a lot of the help and advice is still great and so very helpful! If you found my blog helpful, inspirational, or interesting, I am so glad you are here. That's all I really wanted to do with this blog. Oh, and share what an amazing family I have. I am TRULY blessed.

I'll leave off with a picture of Kaelyn and her "Doc Stuffins Braids". I love this looks and it keeps her unruly, fuzzy hair out of her face. :D

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

quick post

Debating an occasional podcast blog post. any body ever do this before? might be easier to keep up to date if every so often it wasn't something i had to sit down and type? I dunno. just a random thought. Have a good day!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

another "long time no post" post

The month of May. SUPER BUSY. End of the school year, Sister in laws Wedding. Both Kaelyn and Aria were BEAUTIFUL flower girls along with their cousin "K" (no permission to use her name so K is what we will call her"). It was a beautiful wedding, tear jerker vows. sigh. takes me back to 7 years ago (yesterday, in fact) when Jeremy and I said our vows in front of family and friends and started this crazy and wonderful life together.
After that we had June, Fairly quiet. Just a lot of normal day to day stuff. Gardening (i have 3 bush pickle cucumbers sitting on my counter. awaiting more so i can make a batch of refrigerator dills to maybe take camping.), lawn work, library trips, walks (literally 5 blocks) to the farmers market, and lots of fun and family time.
Kaelyn's speech lately, it has just taken off! Going to make some tough decisions about preschool (whether to do 2 days of early childhood special education classes (at the elementary school in town) and 2 days at our churches preschool, or do all 4 at the elementary school). I gotta tell you, i'm leaning towards the 4 days of a smaller class that is more focused on Kaelyn. I'm strongly of the opinion that she was a BIG people watcher at our church preschool because she was behind in speech and felt overwhelmed. The world "overwhelmed" came up several times in her IEP meeting. I'm hearing phrases like "Mommy, I found it!" and "Diaper change for sister, mommy!" and the light in her eyes? Its amazing. She knows she is doing so well and improving. We constantly say to her "did you just say [insert new phrase/word here]??  That is amazing! we are so proud of you!" and she just glows!
Potty training is still a struggle at nap/bedtime. Naps are few and far between because it's not going to be an option come school year time since she will be in an afternoon class. I'm not sure if this is typical of all children with partial trisomy 21 or even of DS, but it is very frustrating to say the least.
We now have a group of 4, soon to be 5 parents in our little Facebook group. Kaelyn wont be the oldest anymore! It will be amazing to see how much we can look forward to our cuties doing as they grown and learn and thrive.
The biggest thing, in my opinion, that has happened since my last post is that we went to the local county fair. (5 blocks away) and Kaelyn rode so many rides! She did the Ferris Wheel with me and Jeremy. She rode the "Super slide" and the "crazy swings" and even did the little car ride with Aria! Both did so well and my fears of a terrified tot with a meltdown were completely unfounded! Sure, she was unsure of walking up the stairs for the slide (all 30-something of them) but she got up, went down, (mostly without incident. She did get stuck as i think she was too little to get enough momentum going, but the second time I gave her a good push and she just flew.) I was so worried that it would be out of her comfort zone and she would do her usual "crumple and melt" routine but she just smiled through each ride with the wind in her hair! Never again, will I underestimate my girls. It was AMAZING!
Lastly, I want to take a moment to recognize that my husband and his family lost a great woman. He called her "Grandma Jo" and she lived next door to him and took care of him and his brother (and possibly his sister but i'm not sure). She was 88 years and hung on far longer than the nurses caring for her thought. She lived a good and full life and is now with her husband. I'll end my blog here and post a few pictures of Kaelyn at the fair. I'm even posting one with ME in it! That truly never happens! I'm usually behind the lense so enjoy it!
We'll be off camping this weekend for Jeremy's family reunion (his dads paternal side of the family) and Kaelyn and Aria will BOTH get their first taste of camping. SO EXCITED!

Lots of love,
Kaelyn and Lara (and little Aria-toodles too!)

p.s. Shout out to Katherine! Her daughter also has PT21!! Just in case you are reading, I'm glad you responded to my email and I can't wait to hear more! :D

Kaelyn and Daddy taking a "Selfie" on the Ferris Wheel. I think she's too busy looking around to smile for the camera, but that is surely her "busy thinking" face.


Mommy and Kaelyn on the Carousel. She loved it! I even got her to have her hands and say "YEEE HAW!!" Such a cutie!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Musings of a sleep deprived momma

It's been such a long time coming, a long road, but the process of getting Kaelyn's school district evaluation is now over and her IEP (Individual Educational Plan) meeting was last Wednesday. It's nothing new and shocking. Her speech is behind. Her receptive speech (following orders) is probably highest, but her expressive speech is way behind. She can point to whatever you ask, knows her colors, shapes, animals, but if you ask an abstract question like "what goes mooo" or "what animal barks" she wouldn't understand what you are asking of her. This leads to a lot of frustration on her part (crying, screaming) because you KNOW she wants to say something but she just can't put the words together and spit it out. She apparently seems very overwhelmed in her current 3k classroom (22 children with 3 teachers) and seems more content to play along side other children  or just people watch instead of directly asking to play or jumping right in.Whether or not that is tied into her speech (and being insecure) is another thing. Mild pt/ot delays (she was a late walker, late jumper. Mild muscle tone issues but nothing overly concerning.)  Our biggest concerns seem to be the speech and social aspects. They seem to think once we get the speech going the social will fall into place. The plan they set on the table was to keep her at our current preschool for tuesday and thursday and go to the elementary school for ECSE Wednesday and Friday. The Problem we are running into is that our current preschool is tues/thurs mornings and the elementary school is wed/fri afternoons. Kaelyn is very much a creature of habit and routine. I dont see how that will work for us. I put in a call to the school to see if we could just to the elementary school route. Our current preschool director feels so strongly that Kaelyn will benefit from staying that she offered us a half scholarship. I wish we could stay. I just think the flip flop will lead to melt downs and at that point ti wont benefit her anymore. She will lose out on anything she may gain by the stress. Anyhow, this is just a lot jumbled up in my head. Once we had Kaelyn's genetic diagnosis, we were basically at the beginning. They couldn't tell us anything more than we knew before we went. it's scary to think that in September, Kaelyn will be in a Early Childhood Special Education class. I am so very afraid that she will get made fun of. It's hard enough getting some family members to understand that its nothing we did, as parents, to hinder her speech. How do we expect the big bad real world to understand her or to treat her compassionately?  I cry when I think that there is a chance that maybe she'll never have kids, that she will maybe never talk as well as peers her age. If family, friends, and the big bad world have issues with her now, how will they treat her when she's 10 and can't talk well. 15? 25? I hurt for her because she is so kind and sweet and doesn't realize that this isn't the way it is for everybody.  All I can do is love her to pieces and help her the best I can. Be the best momma, advocate like crazy and cut out anybody who doesn't accept her and help her. She only needs love and faith in her. I swear on every momma bear instinct in me, the next person to make one off color comment, one negative, hurtful, less than helpful comment will get the full force of my protection. Family and friends should and will be a safe place for her to come to after she takes on the world. You are either part of this safe place or not. I wish I could make people understand her, to see the pure and unselfish love she gives to her sister, to me, to Jeremy, but its hard for people to see past the outbursts (cuz who wouldn't be upset when they can't express their need to use the bathroom, that they want apple juice not grape juice, or that they just want to be left alone?) they can't see past her lack of speech (no I will not let my child go thirsty because she can't ask for a drink like a big girl. what good would that serve her? another melt down?) and they truly are missing out on a love like no other from an amazing little girl. Knowing and loving my child is a gift that she returns 10-fold daily. By her willingness to pick up Aria's sippy cup 10 times after I have stopped. Sharing her snack 50-50 even after I offered Aria her own, how Aria gets the first hug when we pick her up from preschool. And how Aria loves her back unconditionally. We are so lucky and so is everybody who has met her and loved her as much as we have.
So what say you? Are you her safe place?

Monday, March 31, 2014

I"m really not good at doing this often.

Sooo, .... its been over 3 months since I've last updated our blog! We've went through some horrible winter weather and now it seems spring has sprung! Kaelyn has since started a new Evaluation for ECSE (early childhood special education) through our school district. Last week She had, PT (physical therapy) come to her preschool and observe her and then just ask a few questions afterwards. This next few weeks she is going to have Speech come in to school. The first few times just to get her used to talking to the lady and then to really get down to it and start the evaluation process.  We've got a tummy bug in the house today. I popped into the girls room to see if Aria was awake and then VOILA! I smell PUKE. Uck. mostly dried so sometime in the middle of the night she puked and fell back asleep. Unlike her father, she is a silent puker. :D

We have Kaelyn's birthday party this saturday. Just a small little gathering with some friends for the evening as every year less and less people want to make the 2 1/2 hour drive up here for cake and presents. Completely understandable and it takes a little pressure off of me to have the house SPOTLESS for the whole weekend and plan a HUGE party. We'll be home the following weekend to play in the Worlds Largest Trivia Contest. Should be fun and a chance to visit family and they can see Kaelyn as well and wish her a happy birthday!

Our newest obsession is "Frozen" and she sings "let it go" the best she can whenever it comes on! (which is quite often. Lets be honest.)  It's super adorable. I'll have to put a video up of her singing and dancing.

So for those who thought I forgot I had this blog, I Assure you I did not. It's just hard to sit down and blog when your day is full of frozen, tantrums, preschool, a hyper dog, and life's little details. Thank you all for reading! We love you tons!

For now, its off to snuggle up with her my little ponies (the big stuffed ones from walmart were a birthday gift last year (rainbow dash) and she's now gotten 2 more! love those things and how much she loves them too!) and watch Turbo, i think. If Aria is done being sick.
love you all!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New years!

Well, it's 2013... WAIT! It's 2014! The last time I blogged was July. Seriously? Guess I fell out of the habit of blogging and into the habit of all sorts of other things.  So I will try my best to do a real quick recap.

Aria crawled and is now almost exclusively walking! Yay! (for the video.) This means the knees on her pants will last a little longer and the BOTTOM of her socks will look dirty instead of the tops and toes of her socks. Yay!

This fall Kaelyn started 3-k preschool through our church twice a week! Twice a week I have to have all 3 of us girls fed, dressed (presentably), hair done, out the door, and TO SCHOOL, down the stairs, and have Kaelyn ready to learn by 9am. Which can be a struggle. I am NOT the moms (and there are several) who show up at 5 to 9 and have their coffee and chit chat outside of their SPOTLESS minivans while their children eat organic granola or something equally rediculous. (Yes, my kid eats healthy but some mornings, cap'n crunch is my hero.) But Kaelyn loves her teachers, she loves most of her classmates, and she hates leaving at 11:30. Which means she has to hug her teachers twice. Not consecutively. but each one gets a hug and then she goes back and gives them all a second hug. Makes me feel great that she loves it there but its lunch time, she's getting cranky and now that Aria isn't in a baby's hard to keep them both in ONE SPOT long enough to bundle her in now that its winter. OY! Her speech is improving. Her vocabulary is never the issue, its her shortened sentences. But they are getting longer. She is catching up, but still behind all the same. Her new favorite phrase: "Aria come here now!" and "oh good boy my Odie" (after giving him a treat). Every once in a while there is a doozie. I woke up to hear "OH NO! POOPS COMING OUT NOW! PUSH!" and thought i'd wake up to a mess. Turns out her doll was using a potty (some toy that she thought looked like a potty chair) and she was verbalizing for her dolly. It was hilarious after I got over nearly tripping over Odin in order to save myself from a mess. The joys of motherhood.

We had a great christmas where my kids got far too much. Too many toys, too much candy, too much spoiling. The girls also got my little tikes doll house from when i was little. ITS AMAZING! We had to leave it at my inlaws, sadly due to the fact that if we brought it home, we might have had to strap Odin to the roof and I DOUBT that would have gone over well with anybody.

Kaelyn went sledding for the first time since there is a great sledding hill back home. it only lasted 45 minutes before our legs were sore from trudging back up the hill, carrying a sled and a toddler, but it was fun and kaelyn got to spend even more time with her cousin.

Kaelyn also had her first Christmas party at preschool. Parents were invited (required) to stay and they sang us some songs, made a snack, did some art and playing and was a nice way to cap off 2013 before they had their winter break. 

We also joined the 1k before kindergarten book club at the local library. SO MUCH FUN!

Kaelyn has also since upgraded to a BIG GIRL BED! She had a toddler bed but now has a twin bed and LOVES IT! Naptime and bedtime are so much easier with the twin bed and with the trundle drawers for clothing storage, we now have more space and dont have to store as much in totes in our closet! YAY!
All in all, 2013 ended well and we see only great things in store for us in 2014. Thank you for reading and letting us share with you! It's been a great ride and it's only getting better!!