Monday, March 31, 2014

I"m really not good at doing this often.

Sooo, .... its been over 3 months since I've last updated our blog! We've went through some horrible winter weather and now it seems spring has sprung! Kaelyn has since started a new Evaluation for ECSE (early childhood special education) through our school district. Last week She had, PT (physical therapy) come to her preschool and observe her and then just ask a few questions afterwards. This next few weeks she is going to have Speech come in to school. The first few times just to get her used to talking to the lady and then to really get down to it and start the evaluation process.  We've got a tummy bug in the house today. I popped into the girls room to see if Aria was awake and then VOILA! I smell PUKE. Uck. mostly dried so sometime in the middle of the night she puked and fell back asleep. Unlike her father, she is a silent puker. :D

We have Kaelyn's birthday party this saturday. Just a small little gathering with some friends for the evening as every year less and less people want to make the 2 1/2 hour drive up here for cake and presents. Completely understandable and it takes a little pressure off of me to have the house SPOTLESS for the whole weekend and plan a HUGE party. We'll be home the following weekend to play in the Worlds Largest Trivia Contest. Should be fun and a chance to visit family and they can see Kaelyn as well and wish her a happy birthday!

Our newest obsession is "Frozen" and she sings "let it go" the best she can whenever it comes on! (which is quite often. Lets be honest.)  It's super adorable. I'll have to put a video up of her singing and dancing.

So for those who thought I forgot I had this blog, I Assure you I did not. It's just hard to sit down and blog when your day is full of frozen, tantrums, preschool, a hyper dog, and life's little details. Thank you all for reading! We love you tons!

For now, its off to snuggle up with her my little ponies (the big stuffed ones from walmart were a birthday gift last year (rainbow dash) and she's now gotten 2 more! love those things and how much she loves them too!) and watch Turbo, i think. If Aria is done being sick.
love you all!!

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