Holy smokes. I TRULY am not good at remembering to publish new posts! Not at all!
Last month we had a trip to Mn Childrens in St Paul to get an xray/ultrasound. All good there. NO scar tissue due to her bladder reflux. Wednesday we go in for a RNC procedure to see the ureters. Pretty big deal for Kaelyn as they use sedation and last time it was a MESS! She was a swinging pedulum of emotion. Happy, sad, mad, hysterically laughing, confused and back around in no particular order. And that was for our 30 minute drive home. This time we get to walk around Mn Childrens for an hour and wait for our urologist appointment. I'm hoping she sleeps this crud off. Cuz man, we have a hour and 15 minute drive home. AHHH. We'll need to eat on the way home, maybe in the cafeteria, as I'm not sure I trust Kaelyn with food in the car when she's all pumped full of goofy-juice. Thankfully we'll have Daddy there along with Aria. When she's sick/feeling unwell she just wants her sissy. So hopefully that will work in our favor.
School is going well. We really have found our groove. She is thriving in her class and loving her bracelet. She gets stickers for each part of her day (math workshop, word work, free time, etc) and if she gets 8 or 9 of the 11, she gets a roll of smarties for the drive home. It's awesome how much more she enjoys school, how much more she is participating and coming home with a good attitude! We enjoy after-school Kaelyn much more when she has a good day at school.
She's had her first party (Halloween/Juliette Low's Birthday) for Daisies and her first meeting! Thursday is another meeting and I love how her troop rallied around her last time and said "She almost got her smarties! She was so close! You had a good day Kaelyn!!". I was so apprehensive at first, but this is starting out to be a good thing for her, socially.
Little sister, Aria, is thriving at our little preschool at our church. She loves her friends, her teachers, and the crafts. ESPECIALLY the snack time with friends. "I like to eat with my friends mom!" It is a completely different experience with Aria. Kaelyn was shy, didn't talk much, and I was never sure how much she actually got out of her time at preschool. Sometimes she seemed overwhelmed by the noise and busyness of it all. Aria can talk so much more (and is a social butterfly) so it feels like she's going to a completely different class. I know its the same (even the same age group/class) but with two different kids and abilities, its two TOTALLY different experiences. But one thing hasn't changed. I love the teachers there and I'm so glad that Aria gets to learn about her "friends" God and Jesus in such a loving and fun environment. (Big hugs if you guys are reading this! Probably not, but all the same, you all are amazing!)
Well, looks like my miniature garbage disposal (aka Aria) need some lunch! Thank you for reading and leave a comment if you'd like. And if you are a parent of a kiddo like Kaelyn... Send a message! I'd love to hear from you!
All our love (and hope for the future)
Lara, Kaelyn, Aria, & Daddy too!
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