So, Kaelyn didn't sleep so great last night. Ended up getting up to nurse at 5am. I think we are gonna have a growth spurt because this is NOT typical for her. One can only hope it comes soon cuz momma misses her 8-9 hours of straight through sleeping.
So we woke up this morning, I've got a glass of tea and some lactation cookies for breakfast and Kaelyn has munched on 3/4 of a banana. I logged onto facebook to hear the news that my husbands Great Grandma had passed away. She was in hospice care due to having a pretty major stroke 2 weeks ago and they think she had another (unknown severity) last weekend. They knew at her age (in her 90's) that there wasn't much they could do after they found the blood clot in her brain. She was in and out of consciousness and my mother-in-law and her siblings and Grandma Judy all went to visit a few days ago to catch her at a wakeful moment so they could say their goodbyes and let her know how much she was loved. She was Kaelyn's Great GREAT Grandma. How many people get to say they knew their Great GREAT Grandma? We have a picture we took with Jeremy, Kaelyn, Sandy (My mother in law) and Great Grandma Judy and Great GREAT Grandma Lucy. A milestone picture for sure. Our family has had some pretty hard losses in the last 3 years. We found out before I was pregnant with Kaelyn that Jeremy's Grandpa David had cancer. He kicked it and was strong and kicking for my brother in laws wedding but shortly after it came back. He saw the ultrasound picture of Kaelyn (Whom he called "the bean") after Jeremy took it in a frame to his hospice room. Things seemed to go downhill pretty quickly. We lost him fall of 2009. 2010 seemed to be okay but in December, my uncle Roger who had moved home to be closer to family, went into the hospital with chest pains and passed away less than 24 hours later with my mother and my sister by his side. That was a hard funeral to go to, no because I knew him very well, (he was kind of distant from the family when i was growing up, for whatever reasons), but because it's the second child my Nana and Papa had to bury. And it's never easy to see your grandparents in such pain. so now, little over a month since the last funeral, here is THIS one. It's going to be hard, no doubt, but Sandy and Grandma will have us all there for support. I know we missed home, haven't been there in 3 weeks (doesn't seem like much but after 3 long weekend visits in a row, 3 weeks is HARD!) but this wasn't the circumstances we wanted to have for another visit home. Its' been pretty cool 3 weeks though. Kaelyn's teeth are more visible (she cut tooth #1 on our last trip) and she loves to wave and clap now. and she figured out how to motor herself around in her walker. YAY! I'm gonna see about taking her walker to the inlaws. and then NEXT weekend, they are in our neck of the woods for a peewee hockey tournament. SO we get to see them 2 weekends in a row! WOO! (but lemme tell ya, 3 dogs in one house can be a bit much! lets hope the weather is nice so that they can tear around the back yard and waste some energy. lol)
Well, I better get packing. Have some laundry to do. Oy Vay. What a day. But on the upside, it can't get much worse, right?