Saturday, January 14, 2012

first post of 2012

Well, its been a rough week! Kaelyn has been cutting her eye teeth. Thursday and Friday were days of wimpering and fever and not eating much but FINALLY last night the two bottom incisors broke through. She woke up at about 1am just miserable and clingy and I'm guessing the pain of them breaking through is what woke her up. Her fever broke about midnight so we didn't have to take her to urgent care as I was afraid we might have to. Holy cow, she has given us a run for our money lately. Hopefully we will get a little break before her other 2 eye teeth come in. She is so cute though. When she woke up, cried, let me give her some tylenol, chugged her sippy cup, and promptly passed out on my lap on the couch. She sputtered a little and I thought maybe she was going to vomit, but no dice (thank GOD) so I decided it was a better idea to spend the night out on the couch and let Jeremy get a good night sleep. Hopefully he returns the favor for me.

Tonight, Jer had his work Christmas party and Kaelyn got to go over to Auntie J's house and play with Little A and Uncle D. It was a pleasant evening out, even if the food was unhealthy and my stomach didn't cooperate for the later portion of the evening, but we got a pretty cool gift, (snacks, a thermos, a nice hat and 10 bucks) and then Jeremy also won a 50 dollar best buy gift card. Wonder if i can talk him into getting us a printer, FINALLY. I'd love it. lol. Sure beats going to the library to print stuff off or asking Jeremy to print it off at work.

ON a different note, today my dog tried to kill me. hee hee. I saw Kaelyn trying to pull the xbox off of the tv stand so i hollered "no no no kaelyn" and went to hop over our baby gate system, and so did Odin, but he stopped and tripped me, i took down the gate and am now sore and bruised up and banged up. I hurt. All Over.

Time for a tylenol and to hit the hay.

I'll try to post more regularly in the future.

All our love,
Kaelyn and her banged up (and feeling her age) mommy.