It's been SO LONG since my last post! Over a month!! Kaelyn is getting bigger, faster, and smarter every single day. It's almost frightening!!
Look at her new face. Lots of people call it the "duck face" but in our family, we call it the "Grandma Mildred Face" as that is how she would scrunch her face up, after licking her lips, to give you a big old smooch. Kaelyn DEFINITELY has a little bit of great grandma Mildred in her.
Anyways, Things are going great. She getting closer to walking every day. She is less timid, and lets go a lot more and started to take steps. Whether or not it is her partial T21 or her previously loose hip, She is not far off from walking. And that alone, terrifies me. If she is fast on all fours, how fast will this kid be upright and walking? YIKES!
This week we started swiming classes. YAY! It's more of a work out for me than it is for her, but she is getting more and more comfortable in the water and even lets us lay her on her back! She's not close to floating as she still DEMANDS to be held onto (but hey, she's 14 months old!) but if i lay her head on my shoulder and her legs away from me, she does very well! And she just loves the water and her new friend Otis. Otis seems to like her too. Watch out! We have a flirt on our hands.
We also recently dived into the world of CLOTH DIAPERS. Yes, I said it. CLOTH DIAPERS. BUt so far we are on Day 2 and it's going great. They don't stink up her diaper pail NEARLY as bad as the disposables (cuz the poop gets flushed and doesn't sit and bake, i'm guessing) and i LOVE diaper changes since I have all of these fun diapers in fun colors to put on her! My only regret is that I didn't buy more!! We went with Nubunz pocket diapers and they are awesome! The one drawback, in my opinion, is that it took FOREVER to get any order information from them. I bought them on the 10th and didn't hear anything from them until the 19th. Even if they weren't being shipped right away, I had hoped i would get an order number and a reasonable deadline as to when to expect them. Once I emailed them, however, I got a confirmation number and they were shipped the next day! I stalked the UPS site with my tracking number every few hours and wonderfully, they got here yesterday before I went to work. I got most of hte parts and Jeremy is going to build us a diaper sprayer. So far all of our #2 diapers have been pretty "solid" and THANKFULLY we haven't needed the sprayer. YAY! I need to look into some diaper soaps and hopefully I can get some samples to try out and, even though i'm sure NOBODY Else reads this, I can put my opinions up and people can have a little bit more information without doing all of the work. (Cuz, HEY! I did it first!) later taters! Gonna go look up that diaper soap stuff. Have a good day!!
Lara and Kaelyn