Oh lord. This week has certainly been a busy one. Kaelyn learned to stand up in her crib, making Jeremy and I put her in her pack and play over night until we could lower her crib mattress without fear of injuring ourselves. (I didn't want to imagine what 3am crib lowering would do to us. lol) She has slept TWO nights in her crib, like an angel! It appears that this mommy is getting her good sleeper back!
I work tonight and tomorrow and then Sunday We have friends coming over for the big game. WOO HOOO! Probably gonna make some Packer cookies. I tried a recipe for Black-bottom banana bars last night but they were WAY too dry, not something I plan on making again. I think instead of grilling out on "the George" we are gonna do pizza. easier on me and less mess.
Kaelyn is developing a bit of clinginess where I am concerned lately. And as much as it warms my heart, I know its a very bad habit to get into and even harder to break. As it is, we are putting her in her crib when she isn't fully asleep so she's been crying it out a little. It breaks my heart and sometimes causes me major discomfort since I am still nursing, but it has to be done, so we are giving it a try.
When my niece was here she was coloring with crayons she got from the restaurant where we had lunch. one of them made it into my laundry. (probably my fault for grabbing towels off of the kitchen table and not checking everything. lol.) So i have blue crayon all over a load of laundry. YAY! or not. lol. better go clean it out! I'll be sure to blog later! but for now, here is a picture of my goofy girl eating at her highchair! Cheerios and nanners are down the hatch and we are ready to play! Full force dont' you know? Should be a fun day! Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment! We'd love to hear fro you!

UPDATE: just got a call from St. Paul Children's and Kaelyn's thyroid function test results came back normal! Thank the lord! Wooo hooo! Now we REALLY have something to celebrate on Sunday.
I don't have much to say, just wanted to let you know that I've read all your blog posts and WOW - I had no idea! Well, I read your FB updates everyday, but those hardly seem to scratch the surface of life, right? I'm really very sorry for all your losses, it always sucks to lose a loved one. Not just for us, but seeing the effect on those left behind is hard. As for the partial Trisomy 21, well, I'm sure it will pose it's own unique challenges but you and Jeremy can handle them. You are fantastic and loving parents!!