Wednesday, July 20, 2011

15 month check up

So we had a good week so far, despite the heat and humidity. Kaelyn had her 15 month check up yesterday and got 2 shots in the process! She's growing like a weed!
Here are her 15 month stats:
height: 30.5 inches (45%)
weight: 21 pounds 4.5 ounces (15%)
We didn't get to see our regular doctor, Dr W. because she was on vacation. GO FIGURE. She's hard to get an appointment with because she is popular and in demand. That also means she always seems rushed and part of me still doesn't like taking Kaelyn to her because it wasn't until her 9 month appointment that she even mentioned noticing a possible chromosomal issue. She brought in Dr. A to look at her and see if he saw the same "markers" that she did. He saw them as well and was more thorough in the 2 times we've seen them than all the other times. I LOVED our appointment with Dr. A and his nurse. He only saw her once other than the consult but he remembered her, made sure to ask that we were seeing birth-to-3 and checking up with the SPC Down's Syndrome Clinic. Reiterated that he didn't want her to fall through the cracks. Was so pleased with the things we had going for intervention and check ups! With the exception of her walking being delayed, she is right where she should be and even a little ahead! I told myself that this appointment would be a test of who to take Kaelyn to in the future and as we were walking out, I felt very secure in my decision to switch doctors.

As I mentioned earlier in this update, the humidity has been through the roof (70% today) and in the high 90's. Too miserable to go out in, even for a short while, so we have been stuck in the house and that hasn't been helped at all by the numerous teeth coming in and the usual "crankies" we get after shots. Here is to hoping tomorrow is a more perky day for my little lady.

peace, love, and hugs!


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