After that we had June, Fairly quiet. Just a lot of normal day to day stuff. Gardening (i have 3 bush pickle cucumbers sitting on my counter. awaiting more so i can make a batch of refrigerator dills to maybe take camping.), lawn work, library trips, walks (literally 5 blocks) to the farmers market, and lots of fun and family time.
Kaelyn's speech lately, it has just taken off! Going to make some tough decisions about preschool (whether to do 2 days of early childhood special education classes (at the elementary school in town) and 2 days at our churches preschool, or do all 4 at the elementary school). I gotta tell you, i'm leaning towards the 4 days of a smaller class that is more focused on Kaelyn. I'm strongly of the opinion that she was a BIG people watcher at our church preschool because she was behind in speech and felt overwhelmed. The world "overwhelmed" came up several times in her IEP meeting. I'm hearing phrases like "Mommy, I found it!" and "Diaper change for sister, mommy!" and the light in her eyes? Its amazing. She knows she is doing so well and improving. We constantly say to her "did you just say [insert new phrase/word here]?? That is amazing! we are so proud of you!" and she just glows!
Potty training is still a struggle at nap/bedtime. Naps are few and far between because it's not going to be an option come school year time since she will be in an afternoon class. I'm not sure if this is typical of all children with partial trisomy 21 or even of DS, but it is very frustrating to say the least.
We now have a group of 4, soon to be 5 parents in our little Facebook group. Kaelyn wont be the oldest anymore! It will be amazing to see how much we can look forward to our cuties doing as they grown and learn and thrive.
The biggest thing, in my opinion, that has happened since my last post is that we went to the local county fair. (5 blocks away) and Kaelyn rode so many rides! She did the Ferris Wheel with me and Jeremy. She rode the "Super slide" and the "crazy swings" and even did the little car ride with Aria! Both did so well and my fears of a terrified tot with a meltdown were completely unfounded! Sure, she was unsure of walking up the stairs for the slide (all 30-something of them) but she got up, went down, (mostly without incident. She did get stuck as i think she was too little to get enough momentum going, but the second time I gave her a good push and she just flew.) I was so worried that it would be out of her comfort zone and she would do her usual "crumple and melt" routine but she just smiled through each ride with the wind in her hair! Never again, will I underestimate my girls. It was AMAZING!
Lastly, I want to take a moment to recognize that my husband and his family lost a great woman. He called her "Grandma Jo" and she lived next door to him and took care of him and his brother (and possibly his sister but i'm not sure). She was 88 years and hung on far longer than the nurses caring for her thought. She lived a good and full life and is now with her husband. I'll end my blog here and post a few pictures of Kaelyn at the fair. I'm even posting one with ME in it! That truly never happens! I'm usually behind the lense so enjoy it!
We'll be off camping this weekend for Jeremy's family reunion (his dads paternal side of the family) and Kaelyn and Aria will BOTH get their first taste of camping. SO EXCITED!
Lots of love,
Kaelyn and Lara (and little Aria-toodles too!)
p.s. Shout out to Katherine! Her daughter also has PT21!! Just in case you are reading, I'm glad you responded to my email and I can't wait to hear more! :D

Kaelyn and Daddy taking a "Selfie" on the Ferris Wheel. I think she's too busy looking around to smile for the camera, but that is surely her "busy thinking" face.
Mommy and Kaelyn on the Carousel. She loved it! I even got her to have her hands and say "YEEE HAW!!" Such a cutie!!
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