Kaelyn had a massive "UTI", but after an ultrasound and VCUG (the after effects of which were funny and sad as she had sedation and was goofy as all get out) we found out it was likely a kidney infection due to her VUR. Basically her ureter to one kidney is too short and too wide, and if she drinks or eats certain things it can cause her bladder to spasm and reflux the urine into her kidneys. Sooo..... Long story short It knocked her on her fanny for a good 4-5 days, she missed school, had multiple appointments and we now give her prophylactic antibiotics. Which are NOT cheap because they have to be liquid. What 5 year old swallows pillform meds? None I've met, Even if it is cheaper.
The kidney infection came the week of Aria's 3rd birthday. It was much fun! We got to see out of town family (Grandma Sandy came to help us out while daddy was away for a work training out of town) Cousins came over, friends, aunts, uncles. We had a BLAST and she got a bit spoiled. But hey, you only turn 3 once, right? We followed up with the holidays (crazy as usual) and New Years, which we hosted. Great fun but a "sweet song" caused some damage to the foot stool mechanism on one of our couches. Funny story and my awesome father in law helped fix it this last sunday! WOO HOO! (word to the wise, if you are in western wisconsin, don't buy furniture from Rassbach's Furniture. Poor customer service to say the VERY least).
Our 2016 has been very uneventful. We had one suspected UTI/Infection but it turns out it was most likely something she ate that caused spasms and discomfort and with her learning delay its probably difficult to verbalize the difference between hurt/pain and discomfort. All in all, I'm a pro at catching pee. Very important life skill.
We've had a good month of February too! Kaelyn met all of her IEP goals for PT! It's all good! We also had our first trip to the hair salon due to a DIY hairstyle kaelyn tried to give herself. It wasn't as bad as some, but enough we needed a trim to even it all out and not look like my child purposefully had a redneck-ified mullet!
Aria also traded in her toddler bed for a twin and is now also POTTY TRAINED! 24/7, awake or asleep! Which gives me hope that one day Kaelyn will learn to wake up at night when she has to go potty. It upsets her that she still wears pull ups to bed and Aria doesn't. It's a struggle that has resulted in a few melt downs. Thank GOODNESS for my diffuser and putting in some "Panic Button" essential oil blend and doing some breathing. Cuz lordy almight, this kid is getting strong. Just a reminder of the differences between the girls are more evident as they grow up! And boy are they growing!
I've got a few bonus kiddos here today and I'm WORN out. Aria had a good bug tuesday and was sleeepy and whiney and more than a little emotionally needy yesterday so not a whole lot got done and after a night of waking up every few hours with her, we slept a LOT. which is funny because I do NOT feel rested. I feel worn out and crabby. Here's to me, screwing on my happy face and probably bailing on my weekly dinner with the ladies. because I'm just too darn tired. Unless I make some coffee and take a nap while Kaelyn is at school and Aria and the bonus kids take a nap too!
Shout out to a new aquaintance and fellow chromosome mom, Elysia, who found my blog and sent me an email! Welcome to the club and thanks for the email! Hope to hear back from you soon!
Anyways, I better cut this short as the peace and quiet in this house is short lived and the littlest extra is now awake and requiring cuddles!! (and who doesn't love baby cuddles?)
More later!
Lara and the girls!
Here is a picture of the girls at the Mall of America Build a Bear. We visited during one of our trips to get her silly kidneys checked out at SPCH!

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