Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 months old today

We had a great day yesterday. Just chilled out, snuggled up and took a nap. I wore my bathrobe and she only wore her diaper so it was a little skin-on-skin bonding which calms her down quick and we can get some quality snuggles in! Inevitably, it ended up in a nap, but hey, she's a cutie and has this trick where one minute you are looking at her in AWE that you are a mommy to this cute little baby and the next.....ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... :D

She slept AMAZING last night too. Went down around 12 (yes MIDNIGHT, she's a night owl. YOU try getting her to sleep before 11 and let me know how that works. lol) She woke up a few times fussing but I went in, rolled her to her tummy and let her grump it out a little. She went right back to sleep in less than 5 minutes each time! AMAZING! No more 3am scramble over the dog and tripping over a pair of shoes to calm her down! I'll just keep up what we have been doing!. Amazingly, she loves having her crib side lowered and we are learning a little that crib mattresses are bouncy. So now, we are just eating some cheerios (Kaelyn is) and I'm having toast and getting ready to shower and head out to work. I have tomorrow off and it's SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!! We are probably just going to go to church and hang out until we head over to a friends house to watch the game. I'm a little relieved that it's not at our house. lol. Less mess, less dishes, and less cleaning up before hand so the house is "presentable" for company. My dad and step mom have requested a QIK video from us so I suppose we will do that and a couple of pictures to celebrate her 10 month milestone after work. YAY! I just felt like doing a quick update today since it marks 10 fabulous months of motherhood. All the puke and poop and drool and sleepless nights were so worth every gummy (and now TOOTHY) grin she gives. She even claps at me. 24/7. Even when its inappropriate! (like when I nearly break my hiney tripping over the dog or when she's in her walker in the bathroom when I'm getting ready for the day and I poke myself in the eye. hee hee hee. What a doll!

Anyways, i hope to have a good update tomorrow after the SUPERBOWL!! GO PACK GO!!

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