Sunday, February 6, 2011


It was a great day. WOO! Kaelyn slept like a doll last night, but we had to wake her up a few hours early because we went to church. (Early service because we aren't exactly up to getting her riled up at the contemporary service our church has at 10:30). We came home, and I cut up veggies for a veggie tray for the SuperBowl party we were going to. Then I cleaned up the veggie mess (leaves and peelings and little bits of broccoli EVERYWHERE LOL) only to make ANOTHER mess baking football shaped cookies. I really DO need to get a pic of them. they were pretty cool! Chocolate frosted sugar cookies with green and yellow lacing! Yep. CHEESEHEADS BABY!. We headed over to our friends house to hang out and watch some pre-game and let Kaelyn play with their baby who is 5 months younger. She is our god daughter and the girls are, we hope, going to be best buds! :D
Once the game came on another couple came over so it was 3 couples and 2 little girls, and one dog. lol. Zeus the dog had QUITE the time entertaining us all and getting little treats here and there when someone ate carelessly and dropped something. lol. The game was sure a nail biter and both Jeremy and our friend Donnie were on the edge of their seats. LITERALLY. :D After the halftime show we had to keep the cheering, screaming and sofa-coaching to a dull roar because Kaelyn's friend was asleep. She doesn't mind the noise for sleeping, but who could sleep with 6 rowdy adults getting riled up over fumbles, interceptions and extra points? The Black Eyed Peas were underwhelming. I guess I'm not really a fan to begin with so it would have taken QUITE a LOT to get me to say I was impressed. When all is said and done, it was a good game, we are taking the Lombardi trophy back to Lambeau where it belongs. BOO YAH! We had a pretty good night. Kaelyn fell asleep on the floor in the 4th quarter and roused only to get put in the car seat and to come in the house when we came home. It was fun once we got back into town because all the fans were leaving the local bars/restaurants and the college students were walking back to campus and wearing cheese head hats and foam fingers so we drove past and honked. (Kaelyn slept through that too!) came home and did a victory dance. "green and yellow, green and yellow, green and yellow" hee hee.
Great day. GO PACK GO! oh, and Aaron Rodgers is superbowl MVP. :D
Later folks. thanks again for reading my blog. Feel free to comment and become a fan or follow this blog!

Lara and Kaelyn

p.s. I had to wash my championship shirt just a few minutes ago because at her last diaper change, Kaelyn URINATED on me. And she did it like a boy, sprayed up and everything. Ugh. Didn't want the chemicals in her pee to bleach my shirt. someone said urine bleaches clothing.
Anyways, i'm falling asleep at the laptop so I'm gonna head to bed.

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